
Ask the Trollacle: Love and Daylight Savings

Country concubine asks;

My partner and I are trying to maintain a cross border relationship, where one state has daylight savings and one does not. We keep messing up our coordination, calling too early or too late. How do we deal with this?

OK, thanks for that CC. Let’s start with the most helpful advice of all; at least one of you is an IDIOT, likely both. There is an arithmetic problem, but worse than that it seems that one of you is voluntarily seeing someone from Queensland when you don’t even live there.

Then there’s the maths. Are you seriously trying to imply that you can’t navigate the one hour difference? If you’re having Skype sex I can see why you’re reluctant to risk getting a bit too ‘American Pie’ while you’re making dinner, but that sort of thing is suitable for a later timeslot anyway. No, not the intercake, the self satisfaction. Daylight savings does not actually fade your curtains. Your neighbours will not see you touching it.

Whether it is for an honest conversation or an onanist’s conversation, a hands free kit will do wonders. You can multi-task. It renders the time issue almost non existent. Although if you’re asking for help on this in the first place, there’s probably been some accidental office hours interference anyway. You morons.

The answer here is more talk time, not less. There’s a half decent chance that if you have Facebook chat open for large parts of the day you might even get a handle on the day to day logistics and timings of your partner’s life. Who knows, you may even understand enough to think that you have a chance if you make the move to live together.

Just please – PLEASE – don’t breed.

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