Here in the Limited News offices*, we’re just about trolled out for the week. There has been so much to say, so many angles to cover, so many feelpinions to share. But enough is enough! No more will we talk about the trolls. No more will we search for reason in the trollosphere. It’s time to fight back! With joy! Yes! Joy! We will never surrender (please read in Winston Churchill voice).
So here is the Limited News antidote. A collection of things that made us smile this week which we had to share with you to spread some love and cheer. Feel free to add your own in the comments.
Courteney Hocking: Rufus Tower. Cute man makes amazing apology present for even cuter cat. I want to marry them both. The video.
David Paris: I felt reassured by this. With all of the nonsense encircling the internet in recent weeks, I feel that little bit safer knowing that the cats are still in charge.
Lefa Singleton Norton: I can’t help but still be entranced by Gangnam Style. It hasn’t gotten old for me. I don’t know if it ever will. Now, we all know nothing could compare to the original, but this comes damn close. This is Britney Spears being taught the Gangnam Style dance by Psy on the Ellen show. SO. GOOD.
Renne Miles: The Wreck-It Ralph trailer. Even if i don’t get to see it at the pictures (because let’s be realistic, I am terrible at going to the cinema and I live only ten minutes walk from one) this trailer just makes me grin like an idiot because it’s about non-existent vintage arcade games made into movies. Also the bad guy affirmation.
Ben Harris Roxas: I was thrilled to learn that China’s strategic pork reserve is no longer the world’s strangest stockpile. Québec’s strategic maple syrup reserve takes that title. Better yet, the stockpile has been stolen.
Evan Beaver: Manga Japan Bass Boy (yeah, we don’t get it either)
Jonathonio: ‘I was greatly cheered this week by evidence that Smokin’ Joe Biden’s actual persona is converging with the Onion’s satirical version. The expressions on the faces of the two male bikers top it off. 5 stars.
Cj Josh: This reminds me of a valuable lesson I have learnt from twitter; good things come in the strangest packages.
James Hutson: This is from July, but every time my daughter and I watch it we laugh.
Peter Hollo: The awesome Vi Hart linked to an article on (mathematical) singularities on the human body, which starts with the swirl of a baby’s hair, goes on to discuss the amazing topology fingerprints – with the help of a tiny gymnast called Jim.
Tim Hollo: The internet enables wonderful creative ideas to spread far and wide. Turning one metred car parking spot into a “park” for 2 hours has now become a global Park(ing) movement
Tim Norton: The fact that this exists made my week (Domo-related, as if there was any doubt).
Sarah Jane: Don’t we all just need a hug? Nothing makes you feel better than a hug. Except maybe seeing animals hug. Or an entire tumblr dedicated to animals hugging.
Paul D’Agostino: This made me smile.
Dan Nolan: I was blown away this week by the new iPhone 5. Not only because it upset a shitload of people (impoverished Android-using neckbeards and other such subhuman scum) who would never buy it in the first place but because it doesn’t have a fleshlight or a neckbeard trimmer or it isn’t made out of the same bacteria-harbouring lead-covered plastic as a child’s toy. Also, it’s a new fucking Apple product, I mean really. Buy this device or you’re basically spitting in the eyes of my theoretical unborn child.
* Shed