This classic kids’ book by Phoebe Gilman is a delight I’m discovering with my six year old daughter. As well as a loving father-daughter relationship in a playful semi-fantastical world, the book is filled with intricate illustrations which can be joyfully explored for hours.
A young mother learns she’s dying and prepares in her own idiosyncratic way. Lovingly filmed, with beautiful performances by Sarah Polley, Mark Ruffalo and Deborah Harry!
An indie tearjerker which left me happy-sad for days.
My Friend the Chocolate Cake’s sixth album and by far their most mature – dare I say middle-aged? The same distinctive and gorgeous instrumentation and arrangements, but deeper themes of lost youth, racism and the daily grind matched by a richer, older voice from David Bridie. The first MFTCC album, for mine, which matches the best Not Drowning Waving records in its emotional tug.