Gangnam Style. What even is it? A Kpop sensation gone mad, this song has a film clip to die for and music so catchy it put Nyan Cat to shame. If Eurovision came to Korea, this is what it would look like. Of course, there are many ways to enjoy Gangnam Style, from original, watching teens react, Thailand Style to live in concert.
Indifferent Cats in Amateur Pr0n. If you haven’t figured out this might be NSFW then you deserve to get fired. This shit never gets old.
PYA Ewok is, of course, a Limited News favourite. Classic is good, on a t-shirt is better, making fun of Scott Bridges is best.
Potato Jesus. Surely one of the most enjoyable memes making the rounds, Potato Jesus is the result of one senior citizen’s attempt to restore an al fresco at her local church. The delicious irony of said church recently having received a grant from the original painter’s granddaughter to have it professionally restored is icing on the cake. Or potato. Of course, the internet have taken to this delightful tale with collective schadenfreude, and created Potato Jesus The Scream, Potato Jesus Mona Lisa, Potato Jesus Last Supper, Potato Jesus Titanic and many, many more.
Bad Lip Reading. Take some video footage. Delete the sound. Watch the lip movements and re-insert what you think has been said. Genius. Bad Lip Reading has been around for a while, but here’s the latest release, featuring the locacious offerings of Mitt Romney. From the old classics of Ron Paul, Barack Obama and even former Presidents Bush and Clinton, Bad Lip Reading is as enjoyable as it is visually indecipherable. In particular, watch out for that classic, timeless, catchy song from Coldplay – YETI.